April Lockhart

April Lockhart, born in 1995 on July 4th July, began taking piano and guitar lessons from seven years old. She was interested in writing songs was ignited. April's first song was Different, which she wrote when she was 12 years old. When she was 14, April spent much time writing songs and honed her musical skills. Then, in the following months, April began to go on trips with her dad as well as write her songs at home in NY or LA. April began also to incorporate different topics related to some of her friends dealing with such things as bullying by peers and teenage suicide as depicted in the song Take my Hand. Lockhart has her own following and also works as an online lifestyle blogger for the popular Ilia Clean Beauty brand. She has a disability that is a component of her personality, but it's not all of the image. Lockhart's Twitter profile does not ignore her being disabled however, it doesn't focus on it. What message is it trying to convey? The message is that we are more than just our physical self. Our identities are complicated and include a myriad of aspects. Lockhart says in a video interview with Lockhart via video "I don't think that should define my character. It's not my intention to have an impact on disability, because I've so much more to offer." The issue doesn't affect my everyday activities. I conduct the same way as I always do and have developed my own methods to adjust. The same is true for my life, and I think that it is something to be talked about. Lockhart is a great example of how to stay striving to be self-accepting. She admits that she has gone through phases where she felt insecure about the way she dressed and displayed her arms. She wears what she likes and proudly posts pictures of herself dressed in outfits she wears on social media. Self-love, she says, is like a journey. "I do not think that you'll be in that place," she said. It's a journey, I'm sure that you never reach your destination. The people around you with who truly know your personal story and who can look inside your soul are the best people who can remind you of the things you're concerned about.

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